Monday 21 March 2011 cat, one life.

Our dear, departed cat - I miss him still. He was a very good mouser, ratter, even rabbiter! Have you ever watched a cat eat a rabbit? They start at the nose and finish at the tail - logical I suppose. I've noticed, though, since he has been absent the mice and the rats seem to have left. No trails across the garden, little holes now bunged up with a years worth of dirt and leaves. I wonder if it was not so much a little plague of rodents we had as a little cat's larder that was frequently restocked. Even so, he was such a good lad that I'd forgive him all his misdemeanours. And every now and then I see a small black shadow out of the corner of my eye and something in my head says, 'There he is. What's he brought in now', and I look and he's gone.

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