Thursday 24 February 2011

Naughts and crosses

While out at lunch yesterday amid pizza and lemonade, our boy decided he wanted to play naughts and crosses (tic-tac-toe) with me. Now, he is quite the tactician, despite his youth, and if I'm distracted by a conversation with someone else  he has the capability to win. And so it was that I foiled a strategy of his and he lost his poker facade, went to pieces and behaved in an embarrassing way. I turned to my wife, after noting the state of play, and commented that if he stopped wasting so much energy and time complaining about not getting what he wanted he might notice that he already has exactly what he wanted - his next move would be his winning one. He stopped his fuss, looked and then won.
Now, how many of us are exactly like that?
Oh, that's a bit deep!

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